The Casper Libero College is an institution for higher education in the area of journalism and media in São Paulo. It was founded in 1947 by the businessman and journalist Casper Libero and was the first institution in Latin America to offer a journalism program.

In addition to undergraduate courses, it also features an interdisciplinary research center (IPC), graduate and master programs, training courses and university extension programs.

Among the Brazilian public and private universities, Casper Libero’s journalism program ranked 7th place in the University Ranking of Folha de S. Paulo in 2014. The Advertising Program achieved 13th place among the institutions offering this course.

To learn more, visit:



Brazil-Turkey Cultural Center (CCBT)

Brazil-Turkey Cultural Center (CCBT) is a non-governmental organization founded in 2011 by a group of Turkish and Brazilian volunteers in order to strengthen relations between the two countries, conducting cultural, academic and social activities.

CCBT has three units in São Paulo and offices in Brasilia, Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro.

CCBT’s main activities include Turkish and Portuguese language courses; Turkish and Brazilian culture courses; cultural and academic exchanges; art courses and music from both countries; presentations and art exhibitions; lectures; cultural trips; advice and services of all kinds of translation and interpretation.

CCBT has partnerships and organizes courses with the best universities of both countries, including University of Sao Paulo (USP), University of Brasilia (UNB), Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo (PUC-SP).

CCBT works with with the most active cultural institutions in Brazil, such as SESC, São Paulo Cultural Center, School of Communication and Arts of USP, Banco do Brasil Cultural Center, Biennial Foundation, among others.

Because of CCBT’s initiative, the Municipality of São Paulo and the Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo, established May 29th as TURKEY’S DAY. During the week in which TURKEY’S DAY is celebrated, CCBT organizes various events to commemorate the date, with exhibitions, concerts and seminars, as well as Solemn Sessions in PBMC and ALESP.

In addition, the cultural center performs the CCBT AWARDS, rewarding institutions and personalities who have significantly contributed to bringing the two countries and peoples together in four categories: culture, academic, media and special.

To know more CCBT, visit: